When sheep decide to kick civilisation topples

Why do we value freedom of thought? Because it stops us from doing stupid things we are lucky in this country to have freedom of thought and speech and you know what we don’t use it!!!! Yesterday (at the time of writing) I was at the receiving end of mob mentality , a group of people ganging up on me all feeding off each other and these where not young people but old people! , hell I think Osama Bin Laden was treated with more respect when the pizza erm navy seals man knocked on his door. Without going into detail too much detail as I feel this is irrelevant my bus pass was not accepted I chose to  challenge the driver about it all of a sudden I became public enemy number 1! I was treated like a criminal whom had committed a hideousness crime! Every single passenger on this bus was shouting at me one even threatened to beat me up and the worst thing was the driver let this carry on!

It has been said there is a decline in morality weather or not this is true I cannot judge it is more likely morality has just changed but this is irrelevant. Lets assume there is a breakdown in morality the Conservative government thinks they can make Britain morel when governments impose morality on its  citizens well that sounds a bit like totalitarianism. The biggest indicator of a breakdown in morels if you will allow me to say such a thing is the sheep syndrome its the fact that because everyone else is doing it you can do it too we have seen this with the London riots. To reverse this disease which we have takes strength and skeptisism this involves breaking away from the heard and evaluating the situation for your self, coming to your own conclusion , knowing that the group with its numerous people maybe wrong and if you partake in the wrong doing you are just as bad and just as to blame you are a cog in the machine. There would had been less trouble in the London riots if more people had taken a step back and thought about what was being done, my treatment on the bus would had been less sever if one of these people had stopped and thought about what was happening. The situation would had been better if the driver had not allowed the passengers to verbally lay into me.

I believe a company should earn its reputation by good merit likewise it can also lose it by bad merit, the staff represent the company and if they fail the company may as well fail too. The bus company of which I had such awful treatment was Anglian Buses.    





Posted on February 17, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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