Monthly Archives: February 2012

Poor peeps lets help each other!

Alot of us do not have much money , some of us never had much in the first place in such a money centric society those of us who don’t have a lot of money can feel trapped and alone.

I propose that all those whom do not have alot of money….Work together! Yes this may seem like a strange idea but if the community is big enough and we are creative enough we can really help each other! But how can this be so? For starters lets look at why we have society. The reason why we have society is very simple because we need each other! So why not embrace this? Now I am all for the liberty of ones self but as part of this liberty we can show a kind heart and help and we can allow our selves to be helped. This is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength as you cast your ego aside. If for example you had a problem with your plumbing?  There maybe someone in your community whom is a plumber.Why not let them do your plumbing? If you find you have excess food at the end of the week , why not give it to a family larger than yours? But this is not used for serious things maybe you could all ‘club together’ to do something fun as a community? There are many posabilitys this is only an idea. If you are interested maybe the idea could be developed more. So do you think this is a good idea? Post a comment below!      

You are Copywrited.

I would first like to state that when I speak of freedom I speak of being able to be free with the constraints of natural laws and respect for others freedom.

You as an individual have the freedom to act ,think and express whatever you like   . You decide to get up in the morning , you decide what you eat for breakfast, you decide what subjects to study, you decide what home work to do you can do whatever you like as long as you can accept the consequences you decide your own morality even if it conflicts with the law weather or not you can deal with the punishment is up to you. Where you are now what you are doing now is an accumulation of all of your past actions and the actions you have taken with the response to the consequences that where brought about by said action. Your life is a product, like a computer, your relationships,  work , everything you own every decision is a part of this product and your sovereignty and the right to ‘be’ should be protected. This means you have the right to decide how you are used, how your assets are used no one else should have the right to decide these things without your permission you are your own architect. You own your identity you are somewhat trademarked you decide how your identity is used , this is why laws such as the data protection t is so important so your identity cannot be misused so you cannot be misused so your life and everything you are cannot be misused. There is no greater theft than the theft of ones freedom as ones freedom embodies all that you can be all you can make and have made for yourself and with others permission help make them too

Your sovereignty is very important freedom has never been handed on a platter it has always been fought for it is your responsibility and anyone who is concerned to maintain freedom. Responsibility and freedom are a part of life like that of the water flowing down the mountain  and as part of your responsibility is that of the protection of freedom. Freedom, your life, your freedom of speech, your freedom of action can so easily be taken away.

In short you are a patented object you use your life how you wish and you give others permission to use your life for a length of time and for a reason only you can give permission to no one else has the right to use you without your permission.

I’d like to end on a quote from Frank Turner (and take it out of context but you get what I mean):

“So if ever a man should ask you for your business or your name Tell him to go and f**** himself, tell his friends to do the same. Because a man who’d trade his liberty for a safe and dreamless sleep
Doesn’t deserve the both of them, and neither shall he keep.”
– Sons Of Libery by Frank turner.

When sheep decide to kick civilisation topples

Why do we value freedom of thought? Because it stops us from doing stupid things we are lucky in this country to have freedom of thought and speech and you know what we don’t use it!!!! Yesterday (at the time of writing) I was at the receiving end of mob mentality , a group of people ganging up on me all feeding off each other and these where not young people but old people! , hell I think Osama Bin Laden was treated with more respect when the pizza erm navy seals man knocked on his door. Without going into detail too much detail as I feel this is irrelevant my bus pass was not accepted I chose to  challenge the driver about it all of a sudden I became public enemy number 1! I was treated like a criminal whom had committed a hideousness crime! Every single passenger on this bus was shouting at me one even threatened to beat me up and the worst thing was the driver let this carry on!

It has been said there is a decline in morality weather or not this is true I cannot judge it is more likely morality has just changed but this is irrelevant. Lets assume there is a breakdown in morality the Conservative government thinks they can make Britain morel when governments impose morality on its  citizens well that sounds a bit like totalitarianism. The biggest indicator of a breakdown in morels if you will allow me to say such a thing is the sheep syndrome its the fact that because everyone else is doing it you can do it too we have seen this with the London riots. To reverse this disease which we have takes strength and skeptisism this involves breaking away from the heard and evaluating the situation for your self, coming to your own conclusion , knowing that the group with its numerous people maybe wrong and if you partake in the wrong doing you are just as bad and just as to blame you are a cog in the machine. There would had been less trouble in the London riots if more people had taken a step back and thought about what was being done, my treatment on the bus would had been less sever if one of these people had stopped and thought about what was happening. The situation would had been better if the driver had not allowed the passengers to verbally lay into me.

I believe a company should earn its reputation by good merit likewise it can also lose it by bad merit, the staff represent the company and if they fail the company may as well fail too. The bus company of which I had such awful treatment was Anglian Buses.    





The grass is always greener right here.

My coimputer keyboard is broken but yay for mums computer.

We all have to do things we dont want to do be places we dont want to be , we often day dream but realty keeps banging on our door relentlessly always here to remind us its here.We run and we run and we run but still we hear the banging we use up so much energy trying to ignore the baning we get tired out we get stressed.


We all day dream and the sweeter the dream the more it consumes us we spend longer in that nice sunny spot in our head but we still need to deal with reality in a sense we learn to live in a world which does not excist and we get so used to retreating into the bunker of our minds from the assult from reality the less we learn to cope,the less we learn to apprichate reality. We get addicted to thinking how ‘things ought to be’ t his tears us apart as it is so nice in our minds we cannot cope with the task in hand. We should be mindfull of the task in hand even if we do not enjoy it we should take note of how our situation changes take note of why we feel a certain way about somthing we should in a sense get used to the unpleasant of the siutation so we sort of platoe and hoopefully find some form of joy this is not to say we should not resolve the situation we should resolve situations that make us unhappy and being mindfull of our situation will enable us to this more effectiivlly.

Have a great day and stay mindfull! 


No its not a govenment cover up open mindedness (and other bits and bobs)


Yesterday I posted a status update and it went along the lines of “Hey being happy is special because there is sadness and suffering in the world, work is needed to sustain our bodys so we can remain to be happy”. A self described hippy friend from college of which attended the same photography course as I (ooh many debates where had that year) commented that I was open minded . Now I like it when people say I am open minded I think this is a great trait to have in responce I sent my friend the  Tim Minchin song “If you open your mind to much your brains will fall out” it really is an entertaining song check it out , anyway Its good to be open minded to explore new ideas but it is more important the method of which you approach sutch things. I could be open minded to trying Reki I may try it but just because I try it does not mean I have to bielieve it . I may try it and find it does not work , this is being open minded but not allowing my brains to fall out.

I then had a nice conspirecy theory thrown at me that these things have been proven to work but covered up by the govenment to enslave us to keep them in power. *Sigh* if anything the govenment does not care the free market allows this the punters keep seeing phychics paying to have tarrot card reading.As long as people will buy people will supply, it keeps the money flowing when you desguard ethics its actually very good. Even if these things were proven to work in Britain at least these things if cheaper would be incorporated into the NHS. Long story short . The govenment does not care. contrary to my friends statment Capitalism ENCOURGES these things, its simple supply and demand nothing more. Even in the medievil times preists claimed they have Jesus toes and charge people to see it (It would pretty embarasing if it was found 20 difrent people had Jesus’s toes.)

I know I’m supposed to update this blog daily but sucsess would not be worth so mcuh if we did it al the time sucsess is special because it is not the status quo.