No its not a govenment cover up open mindedness (and other bits and bobs)


Yesterday I posted a status update and it went along the lines of “Hey being happy is special because there is sadness and suffering in the world, work is needed to sustain our bodys so we can remain to be happy”. A self described hippy friend from college of which attended the same photography course as I (ooh many debates where had that year) commented that I was open minded . Now I like it when people say I am open minded I think this is a great trait to have in responce I sent my friend the  Tim Minchin song “If you open your mind to much your brains will fall out” it really is an entertaining song check it out , anyway Its good to be open minded to explore new ideas but it is more important the method of which you approach sutch things. I could be open minded to trying Reki I may try it but just because I try it does not mean I have to bielieve it . I may try it and find it does not work , this is being open minded but not allowing my brains to fall out.

I then had a nice conspirecy theory thrown at me that these things have been proven to work but covered up by the govenment to enslave us to keep them in power. *Sigh* if anything the govenment does not care the free market allows this the punters keep seeing phychics paying to have tarrot card reading.As long as people will buy people will supply, it keeps the money flowing when you desguard ethics its actually very good. Even if these things were proven to work in Britain at least these things if cheaper would be incorporated into the NHS. Long story short . The govenment does not care. contrary to my friends statment Capitalism ENCOURGES these things, its simple supply and demand nothing more. Even in the medievil times preists claimed they have Jesus toes and charge people to see it (It would pretty embarasing if it was found 20 difrent people had Jesus’s toes.)

I know I’m supposed to update this blog daily but sucsess would not be worth so mcuh if we did it al the time sucsess is special because it is not the status quo.

Posted on February 6, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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