The best kind of happiness is a silent happiness.

Wow I have been so busy as of late! I have not been able to update my blog. 

I have been thinking a bit about what kind of outlook on the world makes us most happy. There have been many great studies and it has been found that ones outlook on the world does have a significant impact on our happiness. There are other factors to take into account of though  for example mantle health and some people are bilogicaly more happy than others , the latter can be easily compensated for by a good world out look but the former may take time and patients.

An obvious suggestion to a happy outlook on life would be to have an inanely positive out look on the world and ignore all of the bad things but reality always knocks on your door and you can only ignore it for so long , your door will break down eventually. It is important to appreciate the good things but accept suffering as apart of life. This is when being compassionate comes in you can rejoice in others happiness but you can also ease their suffering and be happy inn the fact you are easing there suffering. Nut what is wrong with being annoyingly happy all the time? This kind of happiness can be fake . The person whom is annoyingly happy maybe blinded by brilliance and not see the fault of a person or a situation. They are not happy in reality. However one who acknowledge imperfection,embraces the fact suffering exists one who is compassionate can experience a quite grounded sense of happiness this is happiness which is more constant it is not overly happy nor is it depressing . It is a hard concept to explain , it is something to be experienced.




Posted on March 11, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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