Monthly Archives: January 2012


It is good to be mindful of what we feel emotions can help define how we see the world and consequently how we act.  Being aware of emotions can help us give incite to how we think it is important that we recognise why we feel the way we do about somthing for excample you may feel sad about somthing you figure out why then you may find it is very small.

It is important that we are honest with our selves and we must be careful not to oppress our emotions too much yet we must identify when we are being selfish or unreasonable and then rectify the situation. It is said that the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have it and acknowledgement the existent of emotions can be a powerful thing when you are honest and as clear as glass. It is then up to you what you change if anything.

why things should not surprise us

Everything that can change will. This maybe a gradual change this maybe  change like a light switch or it maybe a gradual change then suddenly switch. The only thing that does not change are natrual laws.So if all things that can change will (and this is something you must be honest with your self even if it hurts )why are we surprised when they do? Lets always be mindful of change but just because they do change does not devalue them less its the fact that they will change makes the present more valuable as you only have a fixed amount of of time to enjoy said things. This is why having 1 life makes it even more important to be compassionate. You cant exactly try again but if your actions have been good then you will leave a  good legacy but even this will one day die.We only have 1 life lets make it a happy one with as minimal suffering as possible

Don’t worry but care what people think about you.

For many years I have been worrying about what people think of me. I’m not sure what I thought II would gain from this. Maybe worrying enough will help me to refine my self and I will be a popularity magnet! I’d be so popular I’d need my own PA!So poplar I’d make Obama look like the quiet kid at the back of the class nobody spoke to. 


But alas like the experience of many other people this worrying about what other people think of me was like making snow balls with yellow snow it’s self destructive and it stinks because you have a constant narration in your head nagging you eating away at your shore line of confidence .

All through your like your popularity will get less and more it is not about quantity it is about quality. Some people are also just naturally more popular than others that’s just the way it is.Some times we can be quite narcasistic we think that every actions somebody does is because of us and anyway why do we assume that people take the time to think about us in the first place.

Awwww but it’s not your fault that you worry about what other people think,RUBBISH.Yes it maybe a habit and a hard one to break worrying is an action when  you go out the door do you worry about starvation? Or do you care? I feel sorry for anyone whom worries about this and any other things. But it is okay to care, it’s okay to care what other people think of you its a positive thing that you want to be respected amongst your peers (in most cases) .


Worrying is counter productive as it does not allow you to be you (assuming your good) . You are constantly restraining your self not unleashing the awesomeness with in you. Worrying may cause you to be nervous and awkward others will pick up on this and may avoid you this will lead you to worry more this is a vicious cycle.   

Be a good person and work on this be a good person because you want to. People will be drawn to you because you are good they want to be around you however the reason is very important you must be good for goodness sake else you are a fake.

So remember relax like a polar bear in a fridge . Don’t worry but care about what others think of you.  

Your Environment

Tonight I feel like some late night blogging…Here it goes. 

Everything around us that enters are personal sphere effects us to a lesser or greater degree. This could be a stranger making a racist remark to the bus driver giving you a smile, sometimes the affects are like drops in a bucket and many experiences many drops of water can lead to the bucket over flowing.

It is worth looking around you an questioning everything you see,read and hear. If you perhaps have a friend of whom has violent anger issues you maybe best helping him/her or if you cannot help your best getting away from this. Do you often find your self reading a news paper but it does not resonate with you? You will either slowly come around to the papers way of thinking or you will be left angry. Sometimes people influences aren’t exclusively intellectual but emotion as or exclusively emotional. Sometimes we need to be intelligent and think why is this making me sad or angry maybe the reason why the source makes you feel that way is because it is smashing down your own personal paradise and you were wrong. creating your environment is hard. It will never be perfect all you can do is keep refining it and keep refining it. Remember be mindful and know why you feel the way you feel. Don’t forget to take action. 

A degree is important but to what degree?

Human knowledge is amazing the proof that 1+1=2 is 2 volumes of 240 pages. if I remember rightly. Little bursts of electricity are allowing me to write this blog. At the moment I am listening to music so much and somewhat old human knowledge is going into the music that I am listening to. Music is a constant among many different cultures. The basic things which we take for granted everyday are a simply wonderful achievement like the English language, it’s like a living organism constantly changing, constantly evolving and has been used for the purest of good intention and to the dirtiest of bad deeds. Saying ‘init’ is amazing it symbolises class,culture,it is a contraction of isn’t it not to mention this word is even more important in context.

What I’m trying to say is what we consider basic knowledge is the product of thousands of years of work and we are using it everyday this is really quite humbling and I think in its own right an achievement. Then what is even more striking is we build on this knowledge to do draw dropping things. Learning at a high level is mind blowing as you are elevating what is already great to dizzying heights. I will always encourage learning but there are a few things which we must bear in mind. I feel we should always bear in mind the importance of what we are learning we should intimately know what we are learning as we would know our best friend. However there is something which is more pressing there is a dog biting at out heels we need to make sure that the teeth of the promise that obtaining  degree which leads to a better job which leads to more money does not take hold of us and tear us apart. This myth which my tutors constantly unforgiving choose to shoot me with is relentless and to me useless. I do not want to be like them. But these  bullets turn into water when I  try and see the world as it is.


My tutor was telling me a story about how her daughter landed a job using CAD software although she was never trained in the use of CAD but she was taken on because she had an English literature degree and now she is earning ‘big bucks’ I find it amazing the sheer luck, the opportunism among other things that amazing me about the story. But what the class was not informed on and to my knowledge they were blissfully (and maybe the tutor too) unaware of the fact that for all we know her daughter maybe going through some trouble. How do we know she is not having problems at work,how do we know her daughter does not constantly threat about what to spend money on?How can we be sure her daughter will not lose her job soon?What was not told is that her house will one day turn to rubble,her car will one day cease to work,her memory will fade in time and she will be nothing and what does that money,that car,that house that degree mean?it holds me in amazement the intelligence of humanity to come up with systems of organisation on a mass scale,The amazing creativity and engineering,and the sum of human knowledge will never die. I guess the question which should be asked. What did you add?This is the thing that lasts this is the thing that matters. You can go and get a degree for material gain if you like just don’t think it will last forever. The pale of water must be emptied someday.

The only thing that lasts are the worthwhile things but there is beauty in impermanence and these should be enjoyed as well. I am not saying objects are bad I am not saying it is a waste of time to enjoy these things. I am saying that what ever you do how much you give how much you take. Have a firm hold on reality. 


Life is so wonderful and why I don’t need drugs! A post to make you feel gooooood!


I was speaking to a Christian today and I realised how wonderful life is ! Because a God didn’t create the earth but I find religion also to be wonderful. Someone wrote it down … They believe it even  through there is contradicting evidence…They believe this! Once more the bible,The Qur’an and other such books have lived on for 1000’s of years! Somebody and they still continue to do so (like L.R.Hubbard yes I know Scientology is a cult) created something so believable people swear buy it. To create a religion/cult you really have to capture the minds and hearts of people and when you take away the money,the damage which is caused and look at this fete(you know that high thing you achieved “What an amazing feet in science”…I dunno how you spell it…That’s I am not ignoring the negative aspects but I try to see the beauty of it. amazing  Scientists are making amazing discovery about how this planet works. Everything is a diamond in the  rough.



In the industrial revolution child labour was used and  in some parts of the world this is still used today. We created a problem. We saw something was amiss we cried out reforms were made! Life got better and better and better! Now in England children as young as 14 don’t need to work in factory’s! Yes life is not perfect but first we were rubbing flint and sticks to make fire now we are going into space! The human race has faced so many problems. New problems have had people having a stab at these problems tying to make it better. The world is by no means correct. Humans can be horrible. But there is beauty in this we solve problems sometimes we make problems new ethical issues come into the for we have vegans, vegetarians. We will never get it all correct but hat is okay this is the nature of life. Hopefully in a 100 years time the war on oil will be a thing of the past we would have come up with a solution. But we will have more problems. There are no such things as problems there is only. Life….Beautful complex diamond in the rough …Life. I am not trying to win writer of the year. I am just saying how I feel in this beautiful moment of bliss. If you don’t agree with me this is fine and I say again I am aware of the issues in the world. Believe me I don’t like to see starving children. We will reduce starvation though maybe not even in my life time. I urge you. Look were we have come from. We are going in the same direction we have always been going on there is nothing you can do to stop it. Far Left,Far right. In away your all the same you want to solve problems but you are part of it. We are all part of the problem yet part of the solution. What can i say we are all part of the beating heart of life we fail we succeed.



Look at that tree!You don’t need any weed or magic mushrooms.



Its hard to convey such emotions in blog posts. Maybe you think I am a bit crazy. Maybe someone thought Darwin was crazy maybe I am walking on the line of insanity and genius? 

Weird people..Don’t feel so alone.

Have you ever felt alone , like nobody ‘gets’ you? The feeling can be crushing it can feel like you are standing in the middle of a polar desert, void of life with only yourself for company.It’s fine to be weird but remember there is weird and then there is creepy..It’s fine to be weird..Just not creepy.When I say this I mean this in a nice loving way instead of a snide way.

I was browsing upon a social networking site and I saw someone whom I just got along with. I am a lucky guy to have the friends I do have but sometimes you meet people in life and wow, your mind is blown with the sheer comfort that you feel around them. The global population is 6,840,507,000 and is going up. So some times you may feel alone. You are not you are a magnate you’v just got to find the right metal. 

2 day’s in 1 post!

Yesterday I forgot my log in details. so I could not update my blog and I was quite frankly to tired…My brain just wasn’t making those connections!


Yesterday I was kinda thinking about life I found when thinking about it is that there is always something to a lesser or certain degree coming to ‘get you. When you own a business there is always a competitor,then you are poor you maybe unsatisfied by  what you have often teh threat changes hitting you in different ways. Why do you want lots of money,why do you drink when you go on a night out? The root of all of this is because you think it will make you happy. Yes sometimes even  if we do things because “we have to do them” is because we think in the long run we will be happier or this is the happiest alternative. Watch out for the threat but do not get paranoid as this also causes pain. If you can defend your self emotionally to the prospect of being poor,knowing you don’t live forever,knowing you cant win all the time. Then you are ahead of the game. This isn’t always easy it takes practice but it is worth the effort.


This brings me onto my next post in England and probably other parts of the world we have ‘Gay Pride’ this sort of touches on  my last post. It exists because people want to celebrate what makes them happy. Then I thought…Why not a straight pride parade? Loving women makes us happy but the trouble is as much as it celebrates diversity I cant help but think the idea(s) have divisional under tone perhaps not the gay pride in particular but if we were to have a  straight pride and a gay pride parade together I think this is when division sets in. I  think a better way to celebrate diversity and to include everyone is to have a “Sex is great no matter where you take it” parade perhaps something a bit more catchy I think it would be awesome to have a parade that celebrates sex in general and the amount of ways one can do it. No matter your sexual orientation sex is great lets just be happy we can all be happy.

“You’re acting too straight”

That is what a gay friend of mine told me today he accused me of acting too straight. I find this funny because I am straight thus I will with no  doubt behave like a   straight man what am I supposed to say “Sorry dear I can only finger you ..why putting my dick in your pussy…Now that’d be to straight!”. Would we say to a gay man “you’er acting to gay” I do not think it would  be tolerated. If people are honest with themselves their sexuality makes them happy and people like to celebrate what makes them happy. Like if Bob said to Briegget “Oh Brigget look at this Spit Fire I just painted look at the craftsmanship..The detail..The colours” Does he have a plane fetish? Maybe..Not for me to judge the point is that his model aircraft makes him happy and he wants to celebrate it. So why can we not celebrate women?


Yaaay first post…Oh yeah this is my blog…That does not really count.So what’s this blog about? This is simply what I learn on a day to day basses but not in the academic scense bt more what I learn about what I can only flimisly describe as life…I know it’s a bit woolly but I am sure you know what I mean.


My hope is that you can learn from my posts, It will also be nice to sit down at the end of the year and look at what  I have learnt it will also be interesting to see if there are any conflicting lessons.


I will try to update this everyday if I can.